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18 Nisan 2019 Perşembe

Great Britain - South Atlantic Medal 1982

The South Atlantic medal awarded to Seaman (Tactical Systems) (Submarine) S. Mc Intosh, H.M.S. Conqueror, who was serving in the torpedo room of the nuclear submarine which sank the cruiser General Belgrano with two torpedoes on 2 May 1982 

South Atlantic 1982, with rosette (S (TS) (SM) S Mc Intosh D191246W HMS Conqueror) good very fine £1,800-£2,200 


As a Seaman (Tactical Systems) (Submarine) in the Warfare Branch of the Submarine Service, Mc Intosh served in the torpedo room aboard the nuclear submarine Conqueror. 

H.M.S. Conqueror was a Churchill-class nuclear powered fleet submarine that served in the Royal Navy from 1971 to 1990. In the early hours of 2nd May 1982, Conqueror, with Commander Wreford-Brown in command, began surveillance of the Argentine cruiser General Belgrano whilst assisting in the enforcement of the Total Exclusion Zone around the Falkland Islands. In total compliance with the authority given later in the day, Commander Wreford-Brown took Conqueror into a classic attack, hitting the cruiser with two torpedos from a range of 1200 yards. Conqueror then withdrew after successfully evading a depth charge attack by two escorting destroyers. The General Belgrano subsequently sank. 

Following this action, Conqueror continued to play a full part in the operations, including periods spent close inshore in shallow water. On one occasion, for example, she penetrated into Gulf San Marias in rough weather conditions in water only 27 fathoms deep. She was continuously at sea for longer than any other Royal Navy Submarine. After the sinking of the General Belgrano, the Argentine Navy withdrew to remain within their twelve mile limit for the remainder of the campaign. H.M.S. Conqueror's action was instrumental in proving the efficiency of the submarine blockade which, firmly deterring any action by enemy surface forces, allowed the Task Force Commander to concentrate his surface units against the air threat, thereby minimising damage and casualties to our own forces. 

Sold with a later ‘A.R.A. Gral. BELGRANO’ cap tally and a quantity of copied research.

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