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8 Nisan 2019 Pazartesi

I. Balkan Savaşı Sırbistan Madalyası

KINGDOM OF SERBIA - Commemorative medal for the First Balkan War (1912) , gilt bronze, 36mm. By Huguenin Frere and Co., Le Locle, Switzerland. 

Obv.: Rising sun with year "1912" inside, Serbian legend OSVECENO KOSOVO ("Kosovo avenged") around, view of the Field of Kosovo with trophy arms and cannon in the foreground, Gracanica Monastery in the distance, all in partial laurel wreath; engraver signature "Huguenin F e C", at the lower right edge. 

Rev.: Serbian coat of arms (double-headed eagle), within full laurel wreath of 20 leaves, each inscribed with sites of victories of Serbian arms: KUMANOVO, SKOPLJE, PRILEP, JEDRENE, VELES, N. PAZAR, DEBAR, STIP, PRIZREN, MRDARE, BITOLJ, SKADAR, OHRID, SJENICA, DOJRAN, LJES, TETOVO, DRAC, ELBASAN, PRISTINA. 

Superb state - excellent detail, intact gilding and proof-like surfaces, though without ribbon. The medal was instituted in 1913 for participation or contributions in the First Balkan War of the previous year. This conflict was a showdown between Serbian-led Balkan allies and Ottoman Turkey, and ended in the latter's withdrawal from of most its European possessions. The key event of the war was the Battle of Kumanovo, which, having reversed the results of the famous Battle of Kosovo (1389), was often referred to as "Kosovo avenged"; thus the medal's legend and popular denomination. 

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