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23 Mart 2019 Cumartesi

Fransa - Osmanlı Büyükelçisi Said Efendinin Kral XV. Louis'i Ziyareti Madalyası 1742

FRANCE: Louis XV, 1715-1774, AR medal, 1742, 41mm, The Reception of the Turkish Ambassador, medal by Benjamin Duvivier, portrait of king right / the king seated on small chair, the ambassador before him with papers, COLENDÆ REGIS AMICITIÆ / AB IMPERAT TURCARUM LEGATIO ALTERA MDCCXLII below, EF. The Ambassador, Said Efendi, was the son of Yirmisekiz Mehmet çelebi Efendi. Yirmisekiz, who had accompanied his father during his travels, was greatly involved in the establishment of the printing of the first books in Ottoman Turkish, including an Arabic-Ottoman dictionary and a French-Ottoman grammar book. This second visit by Said Pasha engendered a new wave of turquerie in France.

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