
Albania (3) Austria (9) Belgium (4) Brundi (6) Cambodia (2) Cuba (4) Egypt (4) France (3) Greece (6) Moldova (2) Ottoman Empire (29) Red Cross (56) Spain (8)

23 Mart 2019 Cumartesi

Osmanlı İmparatorluğu - Üçlü İttifakMadalyası 1915

GERMANY: Wilhelm II, 1888-1918, AR medal, 1915, Zetzmann-3021, 34mm, Triple Alliance medal by von P. Sturm (Grünthal/Berlin), SOLI DEO GLORIA above busts of the heads of the three allied rulers, Wilhelm II and Franz Joseph I of Austria opposite to each other, between the Turkish Sultan Mohammed V, with military briefing of five people at bottom / English, Russian and French Soldier with WAFFENBRüDERSCHAFT between, SILBER 800 on edge, matte finish Unc.

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